Come, my soul, look at the Jewish ordinances, and with an eye of faith behold thy Redeemer shadowed out in every one. He is indeed the golden altar, the ransom money, the true laver, or fountain for sin and for uncleanness; the sweet spices, the holy oil in the graces of his Holy Spirit; and the sum and substance of all divine ordinances. Dearest and ever-blessed Jesus! on thee may I be enabled, as the altar of offering, to bring all my oblations: in thy all-sufficient merits, and death, to rest every hope of acceptance in the well-grounded assurance, that God my Father hath found in thee a ransom, and hath said concerning my soul, Deliver him from going down into the pit. May God the Spirit anoint me with the holy oil of his manifold gifts and graces; and may Jesus, my great high Priest, in his perpetual advocacy, present me in the sweet and all-prevailing incense of his merits, that being washed in his blood, and accepted in his righteousness, I may at all times come boldly to a throne of grace, and find grace to help in every time of need.

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