My soul! dost thou behold the readiness of the people to bring their offerings unto the Lord, even while approaching God in a tabernacle state: and wilt thou not seek grace to bring all thou hast to his service, since Jesus hath came down and tabernacled in thy nature, to bring thee nigh by his blood and righteousness? Oh! thou precious God and Saviour! the tabernacle of my soul, and my hiding place; may I live in thee, and be built upon thee. Thou art indeed the true tabernacle, the gold that perisheth not, the pearl of great price; be thou to me all I stand in need of, in this tabernacle state, until thou shalt bring me home to thy temple, which is above, where the gates are one pearl, and the street of the city is pure gold: but where infinitely above all these, the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb are the temple of it. Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, be thou my God, and my guide, even unto death.

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