In this Chapter we have the objections which Moses advanced against executing the commission the Lord appointed him to, of undertaking the deliverance of Israel from Egypt; in the people's unbelief to receive him under this character, and his own incompetency of standing before, Pharaoh. Here are contained also the Lord's gracious answers for silencing those objections: in imparting to Moses a power of working miracles, assuring, him of his presence to accompany him, and appointing an help-mate in his brother Aaron to act with him. This Chapter relates also the departure of Moses from his father-in-law, to return into Egypt: he meets Aaron in the way: they confer together on the important subject: on their arrival at Egypt, they communicate to the elders of Israel the Lord's gracious designs towards them: the people in token of holy joy at the report, bow their heads before the Lord and worship.

Exodus 4:1

What evils are engendered from unbelief! God hath said Exodus 3:18 that the people should hearken to Moses; but Moses notwithstanding is tempted by unbelief to say that they will not. Reader! note similar instances of unbelief. Genesis 3:6; 2 Samuel 24:10; Numbers 14:22, Compared with Hebrews 3:19. And when you have done with looking at these examples, look into your own heart and you will find many more.

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