IN opening this second book of Moses, I would desire the Reader to call to mind the observation which was made at the opening of the first; namely, that as Moses wrote of Christ, we might be careful not to lose sight of him through every chapter, but to be searching for him in this field of scripture as for hidden treasure. And indeed as it appears from the many references which are made by the other sacred writers of both the Testaments to this book of God, that there are more types and shadows of the Lord Jesus in Exodus, than perhaps in any other of the writings of the Old Testament a more awakened attention, therefore, should be called forth, accompanied with earnest prayer to God the Spirit, that we may find him, of whom Moses and the prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth.
The principal things contained in Exodus, are the accomplishment of God's promises made to Abraham concerning the increase of his seed; the rigorous treatment the Israelites suffered in Egypt; the Lord's emancipating them from bondage; and the ordinances of worship appointed in the wilderness. And as from several of the New Testament writers, we have authority to consider the deliverance. from Egypt, as typical of a far more important deliverance of the church from the bondage of Sin and Satan; it should seem to follow, that nothing can more merit our attention than this sacred Book of God.
One general observation more I would beg to offer, before we enter upon the perusal of this part of the Holy Volume: and that is, that though Exodus as a book is not in point of bulk much less than that of Genesis; yet in point of time, its contents are very inconsiderable compared to it. The Book of Genesis comprised no less a space in history than 2369 years; whereas the whole of Exodus includes no more than 145 years. May a gracious God accompany the Reader's attention to it with the teaching of his Holy Spirit: and now the vail which in reading the Old Testament blinded the Jews, is done away in Christ; may we all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, be changed into time same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord!