I desire to speak with all possible diffidence, and with an holy awe upon my mind, when I say, that I conceive, the close of this fifth verse, throws a light upon the whole of this vision. Those four living creatures, are said to have the likeness of a man. Is not this evidently in allusion to the human nature of the Lord Jesus Christ? If the Reader will compare the account which the beloved Apostle gives, of the vision he saw, in an age so distant as John lived from Ezekiel, (Revelation 4:6), he will I think, be led to conclude, that the vision is one and the same. At least it must have proceeded from one and the same Almighty Teacher. And the situation of both Ezekiel and John, at the time of this vision was similar. Ezekiel in captivity, and John a banished exile. Sweet thought to God's people! A prison or banishment may shut his people up; but nothing can shut God out!

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