READER! have you never seen a congregation like the one here described by the Prophet? But what a bubble is man to himself, that thus trifles with the Lord and deceives his own heart? Lord! help both Writer and Reader to keep the foot when, going to the house of God, and earnestly desire to worship God, who is a Spirit in spirit and in truth.

Precious Lord Jesus! do I set in Thy types Noah, Daniel, and Job, behold yet more and more Thy glorious person, work, and righteousness? What but Thine holiness, O Thou Lamb of God! can shelter from Divine wrath in the day of Divine visitation? And what but Thy blood, sprinkled on the consciences, can keep the destroying angel from entering in on the day of slaughter the houses even of thy Israel? Oh! Almighty God and Father! we bless Thee for Thy grace and mercy, and the fulfillment of all Thy covenant engagements, in bringing out from destruction, and bringing home to everlasting safety, the remnant of Thy sons and daughters. Blessed forever be Jehovah, in all his doings and all his ways. Truly, Lord, it must be said, both in judgment and in mercy the Lord hath done all things well. He hath made all things for himself, yea, even the wicked for the day of evil!

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