READER! let us for one moment place ourselves in the Prophet's situation, and suppose for the Lord's glory, and the instruction of his Church, such a breach was made in our domestic comforts, as this of Ezekiel's by death: how should you or I conduct ourselves? Alas! I fear, unless a full proportioned degree of faith and grace were to accompany the bereaving providence, Ezekiel's deportment would mortify ours. And yet, the Prophet lived under a dispensation of the Church, far less blessed with advantages than you or I are blessed with.

It is very blessed when believers can acquiesce, yea, more than acquiesce with the Lord's appointments; and can approve, and even rejoice in them, Naked, said one of old, (and a blessed frame of mind must he have been in when he said it), naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, and blessed be the name of the Lord. Precious Jesus! do thou give both to Writer and Reader, (for the gift is wholly thine to bestow), grace for every exercise, and for every trial. And to whatever thou art pleased to call us in thy providence, give us suitable frames of mind by thy grace. May we under thy blessed teaching have always the same views of thee, and thy love towards us, whatever outward or inward circumstances may arise in, thy appointments. Lord, give us to hear thy blessed voice in every dispensation, as to thy servant the Prophet; I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord; thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

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