READER! I pray you do not hastily pass away from the perusal of this interesting Chapter. See! how the Lord takes notice of his people, even in those seasons, when for their backslidings, one might be prompted to fear the Lord took no part with them. Israel was at this time under chastisement, yea, heavy affliction. But will their enemies insult them in their misery? Will they rejoice when Israel profanes the Lord's sanctuary: or feel glad when Israel's land lays desolate, and the house of Judah is gone into captivity? Surely the Lord seeth the enemies triumph, and heareth their reproaches. Jesus takes up the quarrel as directed against himself, and woe to all such oppressors when He ariseth! Hear how the Lord, by another Prophet, undertakes for his afflicted ones, and reproves the enemy for their sakes. Shall I not, saith the Lord (by Obadiah the Prophet) in that day, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mouth of Esau? For thy violence against thy brother Jacob, shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut of f forever. Reader! it is very blessed and most gracious, to find the Lord taking part with his redeemed against all their oppressors; and though He corrects them himself, they shall not be corrected by others uncommissioned by him. Whoso toucheth them, toucheth the apple of his eye. Precious Lord Jesus! give thy people grace to see, and rightly to value their union and oneness with thee; and that even in their distresses for sin, and under thy displeasure, thou wilt not suffer the enemy to triumph; but wilt condemn every tongue that riseth against them in judgment; for this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. Amen.

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