I beg the Reader not to be alarmed, at the title here given to the Chaldean monarch. By a King of Kings, means no more than that by his victories, he had many Kings in tribute to him. The Lord was pleased to make use of this man, as he doth in numberless instances besides, as a suitable instrument for the accomplishing of his purpose. More than probable, yea, almost certain it may be said, Nebuchadrezzar had no consciousness who it was that led him on, and whose instrument he was, for humbling the Lord's people, and correcting other nations. Reader! it is very blessed, and very profitable to be setting the Lord always before us, and never to lose sight of that great truth: that He it is that doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, what doest thou? Daniel 4:35.

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