It was said in the preceding Chapter, (Ezekiel 26:6), that Tyrus should know by the Lord's judgments, that He was the Lord. In this Chapter, the Lord commands his servant to put Tyrus in mind of her pride, and of her impious saying, that she was a perfect beauty. And this seems to be done with a view, that after describing her greatness as a nation, she might then be led to see the cause of her humblings, in her pride and cruelty to the Lord's people. Whether the chief scope of this prophecy be intended for ancient history, at the time of the Babylonian captivity; or whether it hath respect to modern times, and this Tyre be mystical of some great maritime nation, I presume not to say. The situation of Tyre, as is here said, being at the entrance of the sea, might prompt one to suppose it had relation to some European power, if the prophecy hath a remote aspect to the times of the gospel. In this case it might be very easy for the imagination to form conjectures, and to fix it to some one of the great continental powers under the Romish superstition, which have been always, like Tyre of old, enemies to God's true Israel. But here a great difficulty ariseth, because in the following chapter (which is a continuation of Tyre's history) Tyre is said to have been perfect in her ways, from the day that she was created, till iniquity was found in her, (Ezekiel 28:15.) And this never could be said of the Church of Rome, in any one period of it. To go back to the days of the Apostles for purity respecting Rome, and because Clement, one of the first bishops of Rome, is said to have had his name written in the book of life, (Philippians 4:3.) to fancy that this referred to this perfect state of Tyre, is a farfetched supposition, and a most improbable, founded, and unwarrantable, conclusion. It would be more suitable to the general plan of God's government, who concerning his prophecies hath for the most part, if not invariably, been pleased to throw a veil over them, to keep men from penetrating into them, until the things predicted are fulfilled; and then, both the prediction and accomplishment, are found to be exactly corresponding. I fear that all bold conjectures concerning the Lord's prophecies, which have been intruded upon the world, have not been sent forth under the teaching and direction of God the Holy Ghost. And if they carry not that blessed testimony with them, they must be bold indeed. I would therefore recommend the Reader to take the word of the Lord as he finds it: and here in the instance of Tyre to receive it in the simplicity and truth of the relation. Tyre is represented as a proud, rich, and flourishing state. Tyre is said to have been lifted up with it: and Tyre is to be humbled. Here we cannot err. Pride and sin will bring down the Lord's judgments on any nation, and on every nation. And as Tyre is before said to have oppressed Israel, here becomes the crying sin, for that she must be overthrown. Any, and every kingdom that comes up to those characters, may tremble in reading the threatened ruin of Tyre.

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