How few, how very few would rush into the ministry unsent, uncalled, unanointed; did they but study the commission of Ezekiel closely, and well ponder over what the Lord here saith to him, of demanding the blood of souls at his hand, if found negligent and unfaithful! Surely it is enough to make the heart of the most upright and conscientious minister to tremble, lest after all his diligence, somewhat should he overlooked; some precious souls should be forgotten; or through ignorance or inattention, that which is lame should be turned out of the way. And what tremendous judgments must be in the final issue of that man's ministry, whose sole object is not to win souls, but the world; and like the unworthy descendants of the old Eli, desire to be put into the priest's office only that they might eat a piece of bread. Gracious High Priest and Bishop of thy Church and people! do thou send forth faithful men in thy service, and give, as thou hast promised, Pastors to thy sanctuary, after thine own heart and mind, that shall feed thy people with understanding and knowledge! Lord! make them what thou wouldest have them to be, and take both ministers and people, under thine own divine teaching, that they may be found faithful, when thou comest to take home thy Church, in the great day of account.

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