We shall enter into a due apprehension of what is here said, and also the interest the whole Church of Christ hath in it, if we read it as it ought to be read, spiritually; and the Lord the Holy Ghost be our teacher. It is truly blessed, in the conflicts of grace and corruption, to trace each to the original head; and while the children of God all feel, as that they do feel the remains of indwelling corruption in nature, which manifest their alliance to the old man; they no less feel the workings of grace in the spirit, which proves their connection with the new man, which, after God, is created in righteousness and true holiness. Ephesians 4:22. Reader! see a notable proof of this in Paul the Apostle's experience. Romans 7:14. In this memorable relation of the groanings and conflicts of so eminent a servant of the Lord, we ought to find much comfort to all our similar exercises; remembering that our grand relief, under such soul-agonizing trials, is the same as Paul's was, wholly in the Lord Jesus! Oh! it is blessed to be made sensible of our nothingness, when such humblings lead the soul to Jesus and his all sufficiency!

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