What a vast degree of graciousness is manifested here in these words. Surely these promises related to the gospel church, as the Lord had pointed out, and as they are now fulfilled, to the souls of all true believers in Jesus. Jeremiah 31:31, etc. explained by Hebrews 8:8. etc. But Reader! what I particularly desire you to remark with me, is, what is said of this Gospel Church in the last dispensation; that this house shall be most holy, for the Prophet expressly was commissioned to tell the Church; and twice it is repeated, that this is the law of the house. And surely everything tends to confirm the great truth, that it must be so. Our God himself is the builder, and maker of it: how can it be otherwise than holy. Jesus hath purchased it with his blood. And to be sure he must have cleansed it from all uncleanness. And as the bodies of God's children are the temple of the Holy Ghost that dwelleth in them; surely he will put away the unclean thing, and the Canaanite out of the land. See Psalms 132:13.

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