Hawker's Poor man's commentary
Ezekiel 44:31
AND art thou, my soul, indeed a Priest, in this glorious House of thy God? Oh! then consider the great Apostle, and High Priest of thy profession, Christ Jesus. It is by virtue of thy union with Him, and redemption, by Him, that thou art brought into this royal Priesthood, and made an heir of God, and a joint heir with Christ. In him, all thine authority is found. By Him, all thy priestly exercises are carried on. Through Him, is the whole, both of thy person and offerings accepted. And for Him, and His sake alone, Jehovah hath respect to the whole Church, which is His body. Hail! thou Lamb of God! who art still the Lamb in the midst of the throne: equally attentive to thine house below, as to thine house above! All is made holy, and blessed, being chosen by Jehovah, in thee, before the world began! And now, and forever, is every individual member of thy mystical body made honorable and glorious, by the sprinkling of thy blood, and by the sweet communications of thy blessed Spirit. Lord! add a blessing to these immense privileges, and cause me daily, hourly, minutely, to remember, and live up to that remembrance, that thou art my inheritance; that I have no inheritance in anything here below; no possession in earth, and earthly concerns; for the Lord is the portion of mine inheritance, and of my cup, thou maintaineth my lot! And oh, for g race, to be as momently living to the glory and praise of my Lord; and presenting my body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is my reasonable service.