To whom shall I look, blessed Jesus, but to thee, as the glorious Prince here spoken of, and the sovereign of thy Church, thine house, and thy people. Surely, Lord, all and every oblation is of thine own free cost, and thou art the sum and substance of all. In whatever point of view thy redeemed behold thee, under whatever period of thy Church, thou art regarded, thou art the same: the Alpha and Omega; the Lord of thy Temple; the Prophet, Priest, and King. Through every dispensation, whether Law, or Gospel; under every government, in thy suffering state, and triumphant state; the reign of grace, and the reign of glory: the Church militant, or the Church victorious; the millennial, or the everlasting kingdom; thy dominion extends through all, and thou art over all, God blessed forever! Oh! then cause every man to bow before thee, and every tongue to confess that thou art Jesus Christ, the ever blessed ever glorious Prince and Saviour, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.

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