It is hardly possible to read this account of the gates, and of the tribes, in each direction of the gates, without having our minds instinctively led to the contemplation of the beloved Apostle's account of the New Jerusalem. Revelation 21:10, etc. But what crowns all, and gives the highest finishing to all, is that glorious name with which the prophecy closeth, and which ensures the everlasting happiness of the people: Jehovah Shammah! The Lord is there, And wherever the Lord is, that makes heaven, and constitutes everlasting felicity. In the Jewish Church, this glorious Shechinah formed the whole of blessedness. In the Christian Church, Jesus is still the Shechinah of his people. The millennium happiness will arise froth the same. And in the eternal state, Jehovah Shammah is the whole glory. Reader! pause over the wonderful account. Is Jehovah Shammah thy happiness now? So then will He be to all eternity. The joys of heaven, and the joys of the Church on earth, is made up of one and the same. Here, the Lord's presence with his people, is the sum and substance of all their happiness. There, their felicity is, that they shall be forever with the Lord. Even so. Amen.

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