Hawker's Poor man's commentary
Ezra 2:70
Their residence is noticed inasmuch as it implied, amidst all the desolations of their cities, that they were delighted to be in Jerusalem once more. The prophet had said, that the Lord's servants should take pleasure in the very stones of Zion, and favor the dust thereof. And here we see it fulfilled. Psalms 102:14. But Reader! think with what holy joy and rapture will the redeemed of Zion return to their Jerusalem, which is above, when the captivity of sin, and Satan, and death, and the grave, is forever over! Oh! what unknown, inexpressible, inconceivable delight will break in upon the soul when they shall come to Zion with songs of everlasting joy upon their heads; w hen all those enemies shall be known, and felt, and feared no more. In the blessed prospect of it I would say, Haste, my beloved, and be thou like a roe, or a young hart, upon the mountains of Bether. Song of Solomon 2:17
VERY precious, and very highly interesting, are the thoughts which arise out of this chapter under the blessed Spirit's teaching. And Reader! let you and I see that we do not lose sight of them.
Behold, then, how careful the fathers were to preserve, amidst the most calamitous times, a faithful record that they were of the stock of Israel, and had Abraham for their father. Though living in Babylon, they had not incorporated with the seed of Babylon; but though cast down for their sins, they considered themselves not finally cast off. God was still their God, and his covenant engagements not broken. Let us interpret this of gospel-times, and see how highly it speaks to the true children of promise in Jesus. We are not simply recorded in the genealogy of families if we are children of God in Christ Jesus, but our record is on high, and our names written in the Lamb's book of life. And though we, like the church of old, live in the Babylon of this world, yet, blessed be God, Jesus tells us we are not of this world. And if Israel were saved and brought home, because of God's covenant promises to Abraham, think how everlastingly certain and sure must be the covenant engagements of Jehovah with his dear Son, purchased and confirmed by his blood, and all his people justified in his righteousness. Oh! the precious, precious privileges Jesus hath secured to his church to insure their final triumphs over all the captivity of sin and Satan. And oh! Reader! let us be highly jealous of these vast privileges. See, day by day, that we do not lose sight of our interest in them, but live in the constant use of them; and not like some of the priests and people, unable to prove their pedigree. Oh, dearest Jesus! may it be my daily delight, with the first of the morn and the last of the night, to look again and again over the love-tokens of thy favor. Surely I may say of thee as the church of old, Oh! that thou wert (for thou art) as a brother to me, that sucked the breasts of my mother; when I should find thee without I would kiss thee, yea, I should not be despised.
And while I am upon these sweet thoughts, suggested b y the view of the church as here numbered in their return from Babylon, do I not behold in it also a blessed and a glorious type of the whole nation of the redeemed on earth returning at the last day, when Babylon, the great mother of harlots, shall be cast down, and the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, shall fall to rise no more. Precious, precious Lord Jesus! ride forth now thou Almighty Lord of all, and win the nations to the sceptre of thy grace. Proclaim, as Cyrus thy type did, for thy people to return. Let the enemies of thy cross fall before thee, and dare no longer to retain thy captives. Bring them, Lord, to thine home, to build thee a spiritual temple, in thy strength, riches, and power. In every age make up the register of those whose names are written in thy book, until at length all that the Father hath given thee are gathered to thee, and the millions whose bodies sleep under the altar in heaven in hope, shall at thy call arise to all the wonders of futurity, and the whole purposes of creation and redemption being fully answered in the union of thy glorious body being brought to thee, the song of everlasting, unceasing praise and hallelujahs, shall fill the realms of bliss to the Holy Three in One, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, forevermore.