I think it an object of considerable moment to remark on this part of the history, that the enemies of Israel made no interruption to their building houses for themselves, though this was contrary to the king's commandment; but no sooner were their hands engaged to the work of the Lord's house, than the adversaries came forth to oppose them. Ezra 4:21. And is it not exactly the same now, and in all ages particularly concerning the chief features of the gospel. Satan never rages at the preaching of a flimsy morality, for he well knows that this never did nor ever will, make a man moral, or form the foundation even for morality in the heart. It is by the Spirit only that sinners can mortify the deeds of the body and live. Romans 8:13. But the moment the cross of Christ is held up, and atonement by the blood of Jesus is declared to be the only salvation for a poor sinner, all hell is up in arms to interrupt the spiritual building.

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