My soul! doth not this view of Ezra's return from Babylon, with the number of the people here named and recorded, suggest to thee the ransomed of Zion, which shall one day return with everlasting joy upon their heads; when Jesus shall again be seen on the holy mount, and with him, not only the hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of Israel, but also a multitude which no man can number of all kindred's, nations, and languages! Oh! how delightful will be that appearance; and how sure and certain is the journey to it now. There is an highway opened, and it is indeed called the way of holiness. And it is truly called the way of holiness, for Jesus is himself the way; and the holiness of his person and finished - work, is the holiness of his people. The wayfaring men, though fools, cannot err therein. Here, precious Jesus, may I be found, returning from the Babylon of this world to the Jerusalem of a better. Yes! thou dearest Lord, thou art indeed the way, the only way, the sure way. For in thy person, thy redemption-work, thy covenant righteousness, thy atoning blood, followed with all the promises, and invitations, and assurances of thy gospel, my soul finds a sure way, and would walk in no other. Most fully convinced I am, that salvation is in no other; neither is there any other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. Witness for me, that my soul is come in this way: And oh! fulfil that precious promise, Lord, to my soul, that all that do come thou wilt in no wise cast out.

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