READER! what a blessed thing it is, when an heir of God in Christ is got out of the tutorage of a bondage state, and is brought into the liberty, wherewith the Lord makes his people free? And what an unspeakable blessing it is, that God, in testimony of his children's sonship-character, should send forth the Spirit of his Son into their hearts, crying, Abba, Father!

And, Reader! as the privilege is immense, if it be your happiness to know it so, oh! see to it, that you live up to it. Thou art no more a servant. A child of God is an heir of God, through Christ. Live suitably to your heirship. It is all in Christ, all from Christ, all by Christ; and therefore, let God in Christ have all the glory. And remember, you are not living in the family as an hired servant: You are not the son of the bond-woman. Shortly the time will come, when the bond-woman, and her son, will be cast out. For the servant abideth not in the house forever. But the Son abideth ever. And, if the Son hath made you free, you shall be free indeed! Oh! the blessedness of this freedom! Oh! the unspeakable mercy, of being born of God! Now, brethren, we, as Isaac was, may all such say, are the children of promise.

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