This Chapter closes the historical relation of Abraham's life. Having carried on the interesting account of the Patriarch, from his call of God, through all the several gracious manifestations, which, in a covenant-way, the same God made towards him: we are now arrived in this Chapter, to the period of his death. The particulars relating to the disposal of his effects to his children and family; and the interment of the Patriarch, by his sons, Isaac and Ishmael; are also related in this Chapter: and the sacred Historian, having done with the memoirs of Abraham, immediately takes up the narrative of Isaac, with whom the promise is lodged, and through whom the history is to go on in succession, until He comes, to whom the whole of the promise is referred: and in whom it is finished. Here is an account of Isaac's prosperity: Of his two sons, Esau and Jacob: Of their different characters: Of the birth-right sold by Esau to Jacob: and the consequence hinted at, in which that event differently interested the parties.

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