There is not a passage in scripture which needs more the enlightening influences of the Holy Ghost to guide into all truth, than these verses. Various have been the opinions of Commentators upon the transaction here recorded. Almost all, and indeed everyone which I have seen, condemn the conduct of Jacob and his mother, passing by at the same time all reproof upon Isaac. I confess it appears to me that Isaac was most faulty of the whole. I venture to propose one or two thoughts upon the subject, and shall then leave the matter to the Reader himself to form his own judgment, praying that God the Holy Ghost may give him a right judgment in this, as well as all things.

The Lord had informed Rebecca, when she was with child, that she had twins in her womb, and that two manner of people should be separated from her bowels; and that the elder should serve the younger. Genesis 25:21. Thus informed of God himself, how could Isaac presume to counteract, or attempt to alter, the appointment of God? The method Rebecca took to defeat the purpose of her blind husband was, no doubt, a deception; but it seems to have very clearly originated from the sense she had of what God had said. Perhaps it might have been better to have openly expostulated with Isaac, and have pointed out to him the danger of despising the divine precept. But she feared probably the success. And the object appeared to her important. Certain it is, that her conduct, as well as Jacob's, on this occasion is not spoken of, in this relation of it, as incurring the divine displeasure. Neither do I find in any other part of scripture a passage to this amount. But, as I said before, I do not presume to decide upon it. The Lord the Spirit be the Reader's Teacher!

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