For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Reader! remark the progress of the enemy. He had before been working upon our mother's mind, to disbelieve what God hath said: and now he advanceth further, in a way of insinuation, that so far would the breach of the divine command be from producing any evil, that it would bring good. Reader! pause over this account, and in your own instance make the diligent observation, whether the approaches of this implacable foe are not always veiled under similar coverings. Unbelief is the grand point, in all his schemes, he strives to induce in us. And for the most part, I believe, it will be found that the commission of almost every sin begins in this. Hence we have reason, upon all occasions, to cry out with the Apostles, Lord

increase our faith. Luke 17:5.

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