Hitherto the Patriarch Jacob had been exercised with many sharp and trying afflictions, as they arose out of the circumstances of his own life. In this chapter, the history of the Patriarch records the beginning of the afflictions with which he was exercised, as they arose out of the circumstances of his children. Dinah his daughter, and as it should seem his only daughter, prompted by vain curiosity, going forth to see the daughters of the hind, is ravished by Shechem prince of the Hivites. Jacob's soul is grieved at hearing of it. His sons determine to be revenged. Hamor the father of Shechem, in order to gratify his son's wishes, proposeth a treaty of marriage between his son and Jacob's daughter; the sons of Jacob appear to give consent, on condition of the Hivites being circumcised: but when this was done, Simeon and Levi come upon their city by surprise, destroy all the males, and take away their cattle.

Genesis 34:1

Titus 2:5 Dinah was most probably at this time, about 16 years of age.

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