Zarah means a Riser, or Returner. And so we trust will be the return of our elder brother the Jew, to the redemption of the LORD, when that blessed scripture comes to be fulfilled; Romans 11:25; Genesis 38:1


What hath sin wrought in all ages! What a dreadful bias to evil is naturally in the mind of every man! What awful examples doth the LORD sometimes proclaim, in punishments, of his utter displeasure of sin! But, my soul! while thou art seeking grace from GOD, to avoid every appearance of sin, let that state of humbleness, that astonishing and unequalled state of humbleness, to which JESUS submitted, when he came to do away sin by the sacrifice of himself, endear the Redeemer yet more and more to thy heart, and form him there the only hope of glory. Was it not enough, dearest LORD, when thou condescendest to take flesh and blood for the purposes of salvation, that thou didst not abhor the virgin's womb, but didst even appoint thine ancestors, after the flesh, to be such as were more particularly marked with unworthiness? Gracious Redeemer! may it serve to teach my heart those sweet lessons, that thou wert pleased to be made in all things like as we are, yet without sin: and although thou wert made in the likeness of sinful flesh, yet thou didst partake of none of the corruptions of flesh; and that in thy tender alliance with our nature, thou dost not refuse that alliance even with the vilest of our nature; but where sin aboundeth, grace doth much more abound: that as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness, unto eternal life, by JESUS CHRIST our LORD. Romans 5:20.

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