Hebrews 11:22


Reader! it would be wrong to close our review of the life of the Patriarch Joseph, without once more looking at so illustrious a character, both as he is in himself, and as he is a type of the ever blessed JESUS. As he is in himself, how truly lovely doth he appear in every relation and character of life. As a son, as a brother, as the wise governor in Egypt, raised up by the LORD for the preservation of his own house and family, and the whole kingdom of Egypt. And as a father, as a man, when a servant, and when a Lord! But how lovely is it to see the HOLY GHOST graciously shadowing out the features of JESUS, in the prominent parts of Joseph's life. From the first departure he made from his father's house, through the whole of his eventful life, from the prison to the throne, we see the outlines of the great Redeemer's history sketched out. And from Joseph we are immediately directed to JESUS, and as we bow the knee before him, we cannot help crying out; Hail! thou glorious Almighty Governor of thy kingdom! Thou art indeed the true Zapnath-paaneah. Thou art He whom thy brethren shall praise, and all thy church adore. To thee every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that thou art CHRIST, to the glory of GOD the FATHER.

Before we shut this book of Genesis let us take one thought more. The close of it may lead our minds to the improving thought of the close of our own. It serves to enforce upon the mind that solemn conclusion of the sacred writer; so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Reader! what a vast change hath been wrought in the circumstances of mankind, from the opening of the history of creation through the several periods of it. There we began the wonderful relation of GOD'S goodness to our race, in the formation of man after his own image. And here we behold him become the prey and food of worms! And whence all this but because sin hath entered into the world, and death by sin: and so death hath passed upon all men, because all have sinned. And what shall bring relief to the mind under this discouraging prospect, but the contemplation of his love and faithfulness, who is the unchangeable covenant GOD, the same yesterday and today and forever. Reader! may it be your happiness and mine, to live upon this great and unchangeable GOD, as he is revealed to his people in a three-fold character of persons. And under this assurance that blessing will be our portion: the children of thy servants shall continue, and their seed shall be established before thee.

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