READER hear what God the Spirit saith to the Churches! Behold, what animating prospects are opened to New Testament saints, in the contemplation of Old Testament believers. And while we are encompassed with such a cloud of witnesses, 0 Lord the Spirit! do thou give thy people grace, to pass on through all besetting difficulties, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. And oh! thou precious Lord Jesus! give thy people grace, to consider, and very blessedly to improve, under the sweet influences of thy Spirit, in marking what a contradiction of sinners thou didst endure against thyself. Lord! who can faint when beholding the Son of God, in his unequalled conflicts? Surely, if Jesus learned obedience, by the things which he suffered, well may his brethren desire to be trained in the same school. Then will they know their sonship, and be sanctified under the hand of a tender Father. Let the Esaus, and the profane persons of every age, relinquish, as they always do, the blessing; but, Lord, let no root of bitterness spring up to trouble thy Jacobs, and the Israel thy people.

Blessed be God, that Mount Sinai is no more; but the Church is come to Mount Zion. There may thy people, 0 Lord, daily come. There are the firstborn. There the assembly of the faithful. There Jesus, the Mediator of the New Covenant, and the blood of sprinkling. And there God the Judge of all. And, Lord, while through thy grace, thy people come to thee in faith; do thou help them to look forward to thy coming to them in glory. Jesus will shake both heaven and earth. But Jesus's redeemed belong to Him and in Him they receive a kingdom, which cannot be moved. Precious Lord! grant all thy grace, to serve God acceptably, with reverence and godly fear.

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