Hawker's Poor man's commentary
Hebrews 13:25
Here let us pause, while reading the closing words of this most precious Epistle: and, as a man who hath been ascending an high hill, and is arrived at the summit of it, looks round, and takes a leisurely survey of the many beautiful prospects which come up to his view, from the rising ground he hath trodden; so may the Writer, and Reader of this Poor Man's Commentary, contemplate the unspeakable glories which God the Spirit hath presented before both, in this his Holy Scripture. Gracious Lord! I would say for myself, what praises do I owe thee, for the divine revelation herein contained? From the first opening of the subject, in the first Chapter, through all the portions of the sacred contents; what beauties, and glories, hast thou unveiled, of his Person, and Character, who is the Lord Our Righteousness! Beginning with the proofs of his Godhead, then of his Manhood, then of His glorious Person in union with both, as the God-Man-Mediator; how sweetly and blessedly hath my Lord the Holy Ghost held him up to my view, and (shall I not hope) brought him home to my heart, in all his offices, characters, and relations, as the Prophet, Priest, and King of his people! Hail! thou Great, and glorious Lord Jesus Christ! thou High Priest of thy people forever, after the order of Melchizedec!
Here then, let both Writer and Reader fall down on the knee of prayer and praise, before the throne, and in Him, and through Him, and by Him, through whom alone we can offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually; bless the united Source of all our mercies, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the One Glorious, and Eternal Jehovah, for the Lord Jesus Christ himself; and all the fullness of grace and glory; in Him, for his Church, in time, and to all eternity.
And, as an instrument in the Lord's hand, let neither Writer, nor Reader of this little Work, overlook the faithful Apostle, whom God the Spirit was graciously pleased to appoint to this ministry, in handing down to the Church, from age to age, those sacred records, we have here gone over in the perusal. Truly, Lord, we cannot but see God the Holy Ghost's distinguishing grace to this man, in this most honorable appointment. Well is it recorded, of the Lord's personal ordination of him to the ministry, when in the Church the voice was heard: Separate me Barnabas and Saul, for the work whereunto I have called them! And oh! what a work indeed, not only in the then living ministry in person, to the Churches; but by his writings, in this, and the other blessed Epistles left on record for the everlasting instruction and comfort of the saints of God; whereby he being dead, yet speaketh. Farewell Paul, farewell, until the whole Church shall meet thee in glory, there together to praise God and the Lamb, for electing, redeeming, regenerating love, and favor, both to Pastor and People, all in One and the same glorious Head, to all eternity. Blessed be the Lord Jesus! for making thee his chosen vessel to bear his name as thou hast in those sacred writings done before Gentiles and Kings in every age of the Church.
Lord! add one blessing more. Pardon everything of error in this humble work: and bless all that is offered upon it, as far as is agreeable to thy truth, and to thy mind, and will; that God in all things may be glorified in Jesus Christ.