Oh! for grace to take heed to those things, which I have heard of God's covenant love and salvation; that, through the sweet office of God the Holy Ghost, as the Remembrancer of Christ Jesus, I may never let them slip. And do thou blessed Lord, put such an holy jealousy and fear in my heart, that I may never depart from thee, nor neglect so great salvation.

Praises to my gracious God and Savior! who in his great condescension for the sufferings of death, was made a little lower than the Angels; and yet was then, and is now, and eternally must be, the Lord both of Angels and Men. And oh! what a thought! He who is the High and Lofty One, which inhabiteth eternity, is also the same moment, in his human nature, one with his people. For both he that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified, are all of one. And is it so, (oh! thou blessed Lord), that thou art not ashamed to call thy people brethren? Lord! grant that I may never feel that false pride, and be ashamed to call thee so! Surely I will tell all the world, whose I am, and Whom I serve; and say to all I meet, Jesus is not ashamed to call me brother. And shall I not say to thee with delight, and joy, in the language of thy Church of old: Oh! that thou were as my brother that sucked the breasts of my mother: when I should find thee without, I would kiss thee; yea, I should not be despised.

Reader! do you know the Lord? If so, think of your mercies, and rightly make use of them; amidst the present sinful and adulterous Christ-despising generation! Will you be cast down, because of the temptation, and have your soul discouraged by reason of the way? Oh! blessed be the way, however tempted it may be, if it thereby leads the soul, more frequently, more closely, to Jesus. Darkness is a mercy, if it drives me to Jesus the light. Poverty of soul is true riches, if my pinchings endear his enlargements! It is blessed to know, and blessed to feel, all spiritual wants; to make the soul more sensible, that there is no fulness, but in Jesus. Lord the Spirit! cause my soul then to live upon Christ!

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