Called upon as the Church is, in this Chapter, to leave behind first principles in the awakening of the soul to the convictions of sin, and having then but slight views of Christ, let us seek from God the Spirit, that growth in grace which marks those who have long known the Lord, and long found our own nothingness in everything out of Christ; that we may discover that life, and light, and joy, are only in Christ; while deadness, darkness, and sorrow, are in all we say or do.

But, Reader! while divine teaching infallibly leads every child of on into this conclusion, sooner or later, let no child of God be led away, from the features of character God the Holy Ghost hath here drawn of hypocrites, to fancy that such distinguish him also. They differ as wide as the east from the west. God's children are indeed full of defects and unworthiness, and undeserving; nevertheless, they are still children. The new spiritual life imparted to them in regeneration, however, to their view, at times appears hardly discernible, is in them a well of water, springing up to everlasting life. But, the unawakened nature of the hypocrite, amidst all appearance of plentiful showers, is all outward and forming pools only, like Job's friends, prove deceitful, as the brook which in summer seasons dry away.

Reader! if so be the Lord hath caused you to know his grace, and by regeneration you are led to the precious discovery of being an heir of promise, see here the unspeakable love of God, and his willingness more abundantly, that his children shall live upon, and rejoice in, the immutability of his counsel. Oh! the strength of that consolation, founded in God the Father's will! Jesus's person, blood, and righteousness, and the Holy Ghost's regenerating, sanctifying, and renewing mercy. Jesus! be thou the anchor of my soul, both sure and stedfast! Not like the mariner's anchor beneath, but above; not founded on anything breakable, but in things which are eternal. Not formed by the wisdom of men; but in the power of God. Precious, precious Jesus! thou art the Rock of ages! Thy work is perfect. Blessed, forever blessed, be God, for Jesus Christ.

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