I beg the Reader to pause over these verses, and when he hath duly pondered their meaning, to consider at this moment the state of the Jews, and behold, how for ages and generations past, the prediction in the former part hath been fulfilled in the earth. At the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus, they publicly declared, that they had no king but Cesar; thereby fulfilling the memorable prophecy of the Patriarch Jacob, that the sceptre should not depart from Judah, nor a law-giver from between his feet, until Shiloh should come. Compare John 19:15 with Genesis 49:10. The Shiloh was then come, and the sceptre, by their own acknowledgment, was departed. And since that they have had no king; yea the many days in which they were to be kingless, are not even yet run out. The whole nation is to this hour scattered. They have lost all the five signs of the temple: yea, they have no temple, but are unchurched, and in the most desolate and ruined circumstances in respect to divine things. But, Reader! pray attend with the greatest diligence to the sweet and gracious promise in the latter part of this scripture. There shall be a time, when they shall return and seek Jehovah in his threefold character of person in Christ; and that, in and through him whom they once despised: Jesus the root and offspring of David, their king. This blessed event is to be in the latter days. Oh! who that hears or reads this gracious promise, but must feel constrained to cry out, when will the Redeemer arise out of Zion to turn away ungodliness from Jacob, Isaiah 59:20.

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