PRECIOUS Jesus! was the prophet commissioned to bring the Church acquainted with thy nature, according to the flesh? Didst thou indeed come forth as rod out of the stem of Jesse, and as branch out of his roots? Then art thou of my own nature; bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh. Oh! thou Plant of renown! its thy person, work, righteousness, in the whole of thy redemption, thou art the Lord our God; thou; even thou, hast wrought our salvation for us, and salvation in us: surely, blessed Jesus, thou art all thy people need, and all they can enjoy, in life, in death, in time, and to all eternity! Oh! for a portion of that Spirit which rested upon thee, and which thou impartest to thy people, according to the measure of the gift of Christ! For this will induce all those blessed effects of thy gracious gospel, when the corrupt passions of men shall be brought under the sweet influences of grace and nothing shall then hurt or destroy, in all thine holy mountain!, Blessed Lord! hasten thy glorious purposes concerning thy kingdom! Oh! when shall the hour dawn upon a sinful, dark, and degenerate world, when the Lord will set his hand the second time, to recover the remnant of his people? When wilt the time come, that men shall break their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks? Hasten, blessed Lord, the triumphs of thy kingdom! Cut short thy work, in righteousness, thou that art mighty to save: and let that precious promise be fulfilled; when Israel shall be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land. Oh! Lord of hosts, bless, as thou hast said, saying; Blessed be Egypt, my people, and Assyria, the work of mine hands, and Israel, mine inheritance?

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