Here the prophet takes occasion to call upon the Jewish church, from the zeal of the Gentile: and since the heathen is so forward to go up to the house of the Lord, how much more ought the Lord's own people to be alive to this service? Reader! it were devoutly to be prayed for, that both Jew and Gentile were mutually striving for the faith of the gospel. But alas! holy have both sinned, and come short of God's glory! If God's ancient people, the Jews, have forsaken the Lord, what shall we say more in favor of the Gentile church? But the pursuits of silver and gold, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eye, and the pride of life; these sweep away the time, the heart, and affections, and leave men satisfied with the form, while destitute of the power of godliness.

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