MY soul! while reading the burdens of others, do not overlook thine own: but if Jesus, that almighty burden bearer, hath removed the guilt and dominion of sin from thee; while thou art praising his name for the unspeakable and unmerited deliverance, thou wilt still remember the wormwood and the gall!

Oh! how galling was the load of sin, and how full of horrors the apprehension of the awful consequences of it, before Jesus was revealed, as taking away sin by the sacrifice of himself! And now, Lord, how blessed is it to see that thou hast borne our sins in thine own body on the tree, when thou didst die, the just for the unjust, to bring sinners unto God! Hence, blessed Jesus, I would now bring thee all my sins, and all my sorrows; for thou hast said, Cast thy burden on the Lord, and he shall sustain thee! I know, Lord, that thou wilt kindly and graciously support me, and bear me up under all; and know, Lord, that through thy grace helping me, I shall be more than conqueror in and through all. Jesus will bear me up, and carry me on, and bring me through all that yet belongs to my pilgrimage here below, until he takes me home to his everlasting kingdom, to bear me in the arms of his love forever.

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