Here we are brought acquainted with the means the Lord will make use of, for the overthrow of Tyre. The Chaldeans shall be the Lord's instruments; and what adds to the aggravation of Tyre's sorrow, to humble her pride still more, is, that she shall be brought down by a power, which, like a mushroom that springs up in a night, was nothing in the days of Tyre's grandeur. The Chaldeans were not, until the Assyrian founded the nation: it was but a wilderness. Reader, it is distressing to the proud, both of empires and individual persons, to be brought low; but when the Lord makes use of contemptible instruments to humble them; this is humbling indeed. And is it not so now? In the contentions of nations do we not see it? In the bringing down the lofty looks of a sinner, is it not done frequently by humbling providences, such as sickness, poverty, and the like? See a beautiful illustration, Jeremiah 31:18. And another, Luke 15:13.

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