It is worthy remark, that Tyre's captivity was appointed by the Lord, to be of the same length as Israel's, and under the same government. Was this designed, (I only ask the question, not determine) that the children of Tyre, by mingling with God's Israel in captivity, might become acquainted with Israel's God? Certain it is, that after Tyre began to recover from her ruin, and commenced trade again, there was a friendly intercourse between Israel and Tyre. In the days of Nehemiah, certain men of Tyre lived in Judah, for the holy man of God complained of their profaning the sabbath in selling their fish on the Lord's day, Nehemiah 13:16. And it should seem, by what our Lord saith of Tyre and Sidon, that he had his eye upon it for good; Matthew 11:21. And in the after age, when Christ had finished redemption, and was returned to glory, the apostles, in their general dispersion of preaching the gospel, found disciples in Tyre, Acts 21:4. Reader, who shall say, but that for the conversion of the men of Tyre, in bringing the Lord's heritage that were among them to the knowledge of Jesus, the overthrow of Tyre was appointed? Who shall calculate to what extent in the present hour the Lord is accomplishing his purpose, in the commotions of the earth, among kingdoms and people, in order to gather his dispersed to himself, from all the varieties of the earth? Oh, what a subject of this kind will open in heaven, when the Lord shall have brought home his whole Church! Then every tongue will break out in that voice of praise, in singing the song of Moses, and of the Lamb, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty: just and true are thy ways, thou, King of saints! Revelation 15:3.

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