READER, while reading this Chapter, and beholding the miseries of the world, in consequence of sin, may we not exclaim with the Psalmist, Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth? Oh! the incalculable sorrows, by reason of sin, and the distresses in all ages! It deluged the world by water; it destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah by fire; it hath produced death in all the circumstances of mankind! But to see the awfulness of sin in its strongest colors, we must look at Golgotha, and behold Jesus dying for sin, the just for the unjust, to bring sinners to God.

Reader, do not forget to whom it is owing, that the earth still stands! Look unto Jesus! and so look, until the eye affect the heart. Oh! it is blessed to have such views of the Lamb of God, that shall drive away all other considerations, and make all things blush, like the heavenly bodies in the presence of their Lord, in having the whole heart and affections centered in him. Precious Jesus! be thou my one glorious object, and all leanness of soul will be forgotten, yea, done away.

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