Reader! I must not swell my Poor Man's Commentary: I only, therefore; detain you, to observe on these verses, that the Lord hath uniformly, through all the Bible, connected the subject of destruction to his foes, and the foes of his Church, with the salvation of his people. And however m en may amuse themselves with hopes, like the spider's web, that peace and safety shall be their portion; yet the enemies of God, and of his Christ, must be found liars. When Jehovah first made known, what had lain in his bosom from all eternity, the setting up his dear Son as the Head of his Church, the devil set up his kingdom against him: all, therefore, that oppose Christ are taking part with that apostate spirit, and, if living and dying in his service and kingdom, can have no inheritance in the kingdom of God, and of his Christ. All, therefore, of this description, will be trodden down, as straw is trodden own for the dunghill. Awful consideration!

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