I do not say but that the Prophet had an eye to Israel's joy, in returning, after their captivity, to their own land; and in the first sense of these verses, to the end of the chapter, the words may be so referred: but it were sadly to read those precious things, were we not, now they are unfolded to us in gospel days, to read them principally and fully, as pointing to Jesus, and the rich feast of salvation brought by him, in the holy mountain of his Church. Here we have a feast, indeed, and a feast of fat things. The Lord of Hosts, even Jehovah, in his threefold character of persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, hath made it. And it is made for all people; not merely the house of Israel only, but for us poor Gentiles, who were aliens and strangers to the commonwealth of Israel. And he that made the feast, hath called us to the feast, and sent to us in the lanes, and streets, and highways, to bring us in, though poor, and maimed, and halt, and blind. And we have found, that our unworthiness hath proved no obstacle to the receiving the bountiful provision of the Lord. It is the feast of a king, yea, the heavenly king; and they that are the highly privileged partakers of it, do partake of it, without money and without price. Precious Lord Jesus! have I found thy flesh to be meat indeed, and thy blood, to be drink indeed? Then if so, Lord, to my soul's salvation, these things become as marrow to the body, and as the strongest bodied wine to the animal spirits, which by resting upon the lees, both gets out all the strength of the grape, and becomes refined, by remaining, long unshaken; so, Lord, would I feed and rest on thee! Matthew 22:2; Proverbs 9:1; Luke 14:16.

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