Reader, do not fail to overlook the very great tenderness of this expostulation, which the Lord makes with his people. What did the Lord look for, and expect in his people? Evidently, from what is here said, the Lord was jealous of their not calling upon him: Jacob, father of the Israelites; was remarkable for keeping up acquaintance, by prayer and communion with the Lord. And the Lord had never said to the praying seed of Jacob, Seek ye my face, in vain. But it seems the children did not turn after their father; they neglected to come to the mercy-seat; they grew shy of the Lord; they brought not the tokens of love in sacrifices and offerings. Reader, doth not the blush of shame tinge our faces, while hearing God's charge against Israel for this neglect, under a consciousness that we are equally guilty? Precious Jesus, how truly humbled do I feel my soul in the very moment that I read of Israel's inattention, under a deep sense of my own! Is it possible that so much love in Jesus can be requited with so much indifference? Yes! for I feel it, and groan under it; Romans 7:24.

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