Nothing can be more lovely or blessed than what is contained in these gracious promises, if read, as they are evidently designed, as made, first, to the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, as Mediator; and, secondly, to all his seed in him. I hope the Reader is, by this time, so well acquainted with his Bible, as not only to hear Jesus called Jehovah's servant, without being offended at the Son of God's humiliation; but also to see and enjoy a blessedness in the name. Had not the Lord Jesus, when he took our name and nature, put himself into covenant engagements to stand in our law-room and place, as Jehovah's servant, never would our redemption by his blood and righteousness, have been accomplished. But now, in fulfilling all righteousness, and coming down to the lowest state of humbleness, for the purpose of obedience. He hath been made sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Philippians 2:11; Philippians 2:11. And how truly blessed is it to behold, in all things, and in all offices, what the Lord Jesus became, as the sinner's Surety and Saviour, by God the Father's own appointment! All the promises here made to the Head of the Church, and his people, are by Him who made and formed the human nature of Christ, when giving him a body for the purposes of redemption, and engaging to help him through the whole of the vast undertaking; see Psalms 139:13; Psalms 139:13; Hebrews 5:4. Then follow the promised blessings to Christ and his seed; and oh! how truly blessed is it to see the barren, dry, and wilderness state of poor perishing souls, made flourishing and fruitful, in and through their union with Christ Jesus? And when God the Father remembers his everlasting covenant with his dear Son, and pours out his Spirit from on high; then all those blessings follow, which are here described. One saith, another confirms it, and all deliberately make a voluntary surrender of themselves to be the Lord's, when once the Holy Ghost hath brought them to see and know who Christ is, and what Christ is, and hath made them willing in the day his power? Son 2:16; 1 Corinthians 6:19.

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