READER! let us not dismiss this blessed Chapter (for it is a very blessed one), until we have first looked up for grace to gather the several improving reflections it affords; and also looked within, into our own hearts, for the discovery of our personal interest in it.

And first, blessed Immanuel! my soul would desire to behold thee, as the glorious Head and Representative of thine Israel; unto whom all these precious promises are given, and in whom they become yea and amen to thy redeemed in thee. Yea, Lord, thou hast condescended to become all that is here said for thy Church, thy body; and therefore, in thee, and by thee, and from thee, would my soul alone look for all the blessings of the covenant.

And shall I not plead then with thee, my God and Father in Christ Jesus, for his righteousness sake, that thou wilt do as thou hast said? Did Jehovah promise our glorious Surety, to pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground? And is not my soul athirst for those waters of Bethlehem; and longing for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, more than the hart panteth for the water brooks? Oh! for the sevenfold gifts of the Spirit, to be poured out from on high on my soul, until the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water! And oh! for grace to give, and to be continually giving the same full testimony to the truth as it is in Jesus, that I may call myself the Lord's, and fully and unalterably subscribe with my hand and whole heart, that I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine!

Blessed Lord! would I say, while the heavens are singing salvation, and the lower parts of the earth are sounding praise, let my poor lisping tongue join the charming chorus, that the Lord hath redeemed Jacob, and glorified himself in Israel!

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