Perhaps in all the Bible there is not a passage equal to this for showing the Lord's graciousness at his mercy-seat. The expression seems as if the Lord had thrown the reins of government into the hands of his people, that they might not only ask, but command. We meet with very many passages, wherein the highest encouragement is given to poor petitioners in Jesus's name; but here the Lord saith, Command me! It is indeed a most blessed and high proof of the gracious manner with which God in Christ treats his people on his throne, and ought to be our constant encouragement, now we have such an advocate as Jesus with the Father, whom the Father heareth always, that we may come boldly to the throne of grace, to obtain mercy, and find grace to help, in all time of need. But, Reader! do not overlook what characters they are, of whom this is said, and to whom it is spoken: it is concerning any sons, saith the Lord. Yea, Lord! it is because, in Jesus, thy people are sons, that thou hast sent forth the Spirit of thy Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father! when a father, and especially God our Father, hears the voice of his child in prayer, calling in Jesus's name, what will he withhold? Joh_14:13-14; Joh_16:24; Galatians 4:6; Hebrews 4:16.

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