Was there ever a more blessed and gracious proclamation made by God the Father, concerning the person, work, and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, than what is contained in these words? To read this verse with reference to Cyrus, as some have done, is to enervate the passage sadly, and endanger the mind to overlook the one great object intended. For after allowing all that may be said of Cyrus, as God's instrument and servant, in delivering the Church from the oppressions they underwent in Babylon; still the temporal mercies then shown are, so inconsiderable, compared to the everlasting and eternal redemption from sin, death, and hell by the Lord Jesus Christ, that they are not worthy to be mentioned. And surely it is to this, all along, that God the Father refers as the one great object of all salvation, which, is to glorify his dear Son. Reader! keep, I pray you, your eyes steadily fixed upon the glorious person of Jesus. Hear what God the Father, even the Lord of hosts saith, in this blessed verse; that it is he who hath raised him up, called him, appointed him, anointed him, and blessed him, as thy Redeemer. He, Jehovah alone, directed, ordered, and crowned with success all that Christ did in salvation. Behold the Lord Jesus, in all this, building his Church, and delivering all his people; and all without money and without price; and then fall down on thy knees, crying out, with the Apostle: Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift; 2 Corinthians 9:15.

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