I have often read, and I hope with increasing pleasure and profit, the blessedness of the union here made, and by Jehovah himself, of his own glorious attributes, as manifested in the work of redemption:, A just God and a Saviour. Here is, at once, an everlasting distinction made between the true God, and the whole tribe of dunghill-deities. Nothing, in all the code of idol-worship, proposed such an assemblage, as that of blending justice with salvation: and it is only in the person and work of Jesus, that such views are discoverable. In him, mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other, Psalms 85:10. So that the justice of God is strikingly set forth in punishing sin; and his salvation as blessedly set forth in pardoning the sinner. Reader! what comfort is there in this view of God in Christ, to a poor perishing sinner, under all the alarms of a guilty conscience! And how true is that scripture, which saith, God can be just, and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus, Romans 3:26.

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