Reader! as in the former paragraph I called upon you to mark the graciousness of God's expostulation with his people; so here I pray you to observe, how the whole of sovereign grace and love is by the Lord himself traced up to its source: Never, never forget that it is for Jehovah's glorious name's sake, that the whole creation-work and redemption-work, hath been, and is, and will be accomplished, even to all eternity. The song of heaven sets this forth most fully: and the experience of the redeemed on earth is made to correspond as fully to the same. If God pardons sin, receives the sinner, and passeth by their iniquities, the reason is assigned: Be it known to you, O house of Israel, that I do this not for your sakes, but for my great name's sake. Revelation 4:9; Ezekiel 36:21. If the reader would see two remarkable instances wherein the servants of the Lord availed themselves of this distinguishing character of Jehovah, to plead for pardon and forgiveness, and prevailed, I would refer him to Exodus 32:9, and Joshua 6:6.

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