AND is this gospel call to every poor thirsty sinner, whose soul is scorched in this dry and thirsty land of sin? Doth Jesus indeed send out his heralds, yea, come himself with the invitation? Do I hear him say, as he said in the last great day of the feast, If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink? What! is the invitation so general, so great, so extensive, that to thirst only for Christ, is a sufficient qualification to find Christ? He doth not say, If any good man, any righteous man, any deserving man, thirst; but the proclamation from the court of heaven is simply, if any man thirst! Oh! for grace to hear and know the joyful sound, and that he who gives the call, may give also the thirst of soul, to come at the gracious invitation. Precious Lord Jesus! let it be the portion, both of him that writes, and him that reads, to receive, on our bended knees, in transports of rejoicing, the unspeakable gift, and come to the waters without money and without price. Like David, may we cry out, "Oh! that one would give me of these waters of our spiritual Bethlehem, even Jesus and his full salvation, to drink!" 2 Samuel 23:15

Do thou, Holy Spirit! give us, as poor sinners, to see, while reading this blessed scripture, that we are they that have indeed spent our time, and talents, and substance, while pursuing anything but Jesus, as those who spend their money for that which is not bread, and their labour in any righteousness but his, for that which cannot satisfy. Do thou, Lord, incline our ear, that we may hear, and come to Jesus, who is himself both the whole of the covenant, and the sure mercies of David. He saith himself, who is the faithful witness in heaven, that he will cause them that love him to inherit substance, and he will fill their treasures. And do thou help us, oh thou Spirit of all truth, to have such views of the freeness, fulness, and greatness of God's rich mercy in Christ, as may remove forever all our contracted notions of sovereign grace, that we may come to Him, who hath abounding pardons for abounding sin, and can, and will, save to the uttermost all who come to God by him. And, Lord, let thy word, like the precious influences of heaven, have free course upon our souls, to run and be glorified. Fulfil thine own gracious promises; cause it never to return void, but to be blessed, and accomplish thy merciful purposes. And then shall we go forth here, during a life of grace, like the flourishing plants of the earth; and ere long be among the trees of the Lord's right-hand planting, in the paradise of our God in heaven, in and through the glorious salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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