I should apprehend that by the killing of an ox, here spoken of, is not simply meant the act of killing the beast, but with an eye to sacrifice. And if I do this in the idea of an offering, I do thereby set at nought the great sacrifice of the Lord Jesus; and this would be what the Apostle calls crucifying him afresh, and putting him to an open shame. There is an uncommon degree of expression in those words, as if he slew a man; meaning the man Christ Jesus. Whoever looks to sacrifices, since the sacrifice of the Lord

Jesus Christ, by way of acceptance, doth to all intents and purposes virtually declare that he fears Christ's sacrifice was not all-sufficient, and therefore he adds this by way of making up the deficiency. And such, by the way it may be observed, is, more or less, the danger of mingling anything of our own with the perfect offering body of Jesus Christ, which was offered once for all.

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