I have often read this Chapter with particular pleasure, and marked with much emphasis what is contained in these verses: for in them we find the most decisive testimony, to that distinguishing attribute and perfection of Jehovah, his foreknowledge and ordination. Who that reads these verses, can, for a moment question, the purpose, counsel, and will of the Lord? Known unto God are all his works from the beginning. And to suppose otherwise, would be to deny God's sovereignty and eternal wisdom. Hence our Lord, in his Father's with-holding discernment from the wise and prudent, and revealing himself to babes, refers all into this one cause, as an unanswerable conclusion; Even so Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight, Matthew 11:25. I beg the Reader to pause over the subject, and as he ponders the vast thought, let him ask his own heart, whether the same sovereign power that ordained Jeremiah for a Prophet, and Paul for an Apostle from the womb, hath sanctified and revealed his Son in the Reader's soul, to the purpose of salvation, through the faith that is in Christ Jesus? Galatians 1:15.

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