Amidst all these solemn things, and amidst all the judgments coming upon the people; let not the Reader overlook how the Lord graciously adverts to former times, and still calls his Church beloved. I do not presume to determine, what is meant by the holy flesh, passing from the people. But I cannot conclude, that it means only the holy flesh of the sacrifice. Yet if it did; still that sacrifice was typical of somewhat higher. And who is this but Christ? But what is meant then by the holy flesh passing from the Church! I humbly conceive; not that Jesus is passed away from his Church; but his Church hath passed away and lost sight of Him, whom the holy sacrifice typified. Is it not blessed under all to consider, that in it there was as the teil-tree, and as the oak whose substance is in itself. The holy seed is the substance. Destroy it not, a blessing is in it, Isaiah 6:13 and Isaiah 65:8.

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